Homey ist eine leistungsstarke Buchungsplattform So können Sie problemlos online ein Wohn- oder Gewerbemietgeschäft betreiben.
Die Benutzererfahrung ist wichtig, wenn Sie ein Branchenführer sein möchten. Das moderne Design und die einfache Bedienung sind nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Ein funktionsreiches Bedienfeld mit Themenoptionen bietet umfangreiche Funktionen zum Anpassen Ihrer Website und zum Anpassen an Ihr Geschäftsmodell.
Darüber hinaus sind die Funktionen von Buchung, Zahlung, erweiterte Suche und Buchungsverwaltung Machen Sie Homey zur besten Lösung für Benutzer, die ihre Immobilien zur Miete anbieten möchten.
Heimelig ist Multi Sprachen bereitkönnen Sie das Weglot-Plugin verwenden.
Allgemeine Merkmale
- Einfach zu verwenden
- Modern gestaltet und anpassbar
- Hoch skalierbar und anpassbar
- Drag and Drop basiert
- Reaktionsschnell und mobil freundlich
- Navigationsoptionen
- Header-Optionen
- Seitenoptionen auflisten
- Detailseitenoptionen
- Buchungsformulare
- Buchungskalender
- Sofortbuchung
- Komponist suchen
- Erweiterte Suchfilter
- Builder für benutzerdefinierte Felder
- Benutzerprofil
Listing Management
- Management System
- Front-End-Einreichungen
- Reservierungsanfragen
- E-Mail Benachrichtigungen
- Buchungskalender
- iCal Calendar Syncronize
- Messaging-System
- Favoritenlisten
- Benutzerprofile und Rollen
Preise und Gebührenverwaltung
- Nächtliche Preise
- Stundenpreise
- Langzeitpreise
- Wochenendpreise
- Benutzerdefinierte Periodenpreise
- Zollgebühren
- Benutzerdefinierte Hostgebühren
- Benutzerdefinierte Buchungsdauer
- Optionen für Stadtgebühren
- Reinigungskosten
- Kaution
- Zollgebühren
- Zusätzliche Gastkosten
- Multi Währung
- PayPal-Integration
- Streifenintegration
- Rechnungen
Homey v.1.4.0 - Erschienen am 29. Juli 2019
(New) Extra services prices for the booking form (https://demo01.gethomey.io/listing/beautiful-cove/) (New) Number of additional guests allowed the option (New) Save as draft listings on the frontend dashboard (New) Now admin can manage all listings from front-end dashboard https://tppr.me/1yyiV (New) Ability to add reviews for listings from admin panel (New) Option to select number of months to show for calendars https://tppr.me/miZ8M (New) Make host/guest profile verified based on email and document provided (New) All listings access for admin in front-end dashboard (New) Keyword search option for searches (New) Listings amenities and facilities filter options for pages (New) Add option to switch the time format from am/pm to the 24h time format? (New) Option for enabling/disable listing for admin and host (New) Host can see his pending listings and edit them too. (New) Default latitude and longitude option for maps https://tppr.me/YZMQn (New) Delete gallery images from media when listing delete (Fixed) Warning with an empty string (Fixed) Punctuation in Messages (Fixed) Listing rating does not delete when review deleted (Fixed) Map preloader position (Fixed) Minor CSS fixed and improvments
Homey v.1.3.2 - Erschienen am 12. Juli 2019
(Fixed) Instance booking not saved when add listings from frontend dashboard (Fixed) User page (front end admin dashboard) accessible by guest (Fixed) Add Listing (front end host dashboard) accessible by guest (Fixed) iCal feeds import (Fixed) Overlapping issue on half map search (Fixed) Header map load NY city by default (Fixed) Maximum guests limit issue
Homey v. - Erschienen am 2. Juli 2019
(Fixed) Front-end dashboard: Large empty space at top of page for Tabs = Features, Location, Bedrooms, Terms & rules, Calendar
Homey v.1.3.1 - Erschienen am 2. Juli 2019
(New) Option to see guest profle for host (New) Added new date format dd-mm-yy (New) Option to disable wallet system (New) Date format for custom periods (Fixed) Half map search number of guest search no work (Fixed) Translation issue on dashboard listings in front-end (Fixed) View details while booking not working on iPhone (Fixed) Search show listings which set as unavailable (Fixed) Instance booking and gallery images not work when calendar disabled in hourly booking (Fixed) Instance booking PayPal issue (Fixed) Upload gallery images not work in Microsoft Edge (Fixed) Bug in Search results page: there are empty spaces between listings in the search results page (Fixed) Currency switcher stopped working in PHP 7.0 + (Updated) Homey Core plugin (Updated) Favethemes currency switcher plugin
Homey v.1.3.0 - Veröffentlicht am Mai. 31, 2019
(New) Wallet section: Allow your users registered as host to keep track of their earning history, withdraws and request payouts. (New) Admin Frontend Dashboard: Keep the control of everything is happening on your website. (New) Host Fee: Set up a fee for the host to pay to the website administrator when a reservation is paid. (New) Super host badge: Promote your hosts to automatically display a badge on their listing and on their profile. (New) ID verification: Let your Hosts and Guests to be verified with document ID upload. (New) Guest message on the booking form: The guest can introduce himself to the host while sending the reservation request. (New) Disable booked days: Manage the calendar even better with the new option to disable booked dates for the calendar. (New) Frontend guest profile: Each guest has a frontend profile page with all information and ratings. (New) Reset Password: New custom page to let users to easily reset their password. (New) Host and guest profile for admin: Get full control of the information provided by your registered users on the admin dashboard panel. (New) Booking form pre-filled fields: According to the user search, he will find the booking form pre-filled with his search criteria. (New) Marker drag & drop: Set the location of your listing with drag & drop functionality while adding a new listing on the frontend. (New) Cancel reservation option: The host can cancel a reservation and make dates available for further booking. (New) Admin messages section: The website administrator can read all messages shared between the host and guest. (New) Messages indicator: Every time you have a new or unread message and indication will display in the user menu. (New) Currency switcher: Now you can place a new currency switcher widget on the footer and on the sidebar. (New) Search options: Option to show search only for taxonomy pages. (New) Elementor search: display the banner search using a new custom widget for Elementor page builder. (New) Two ways reviews: After a completed reservation the host can review guest and guest can review host service. (Fixed) Total Cost calculate not show on mobile while booking (Fixed) Currency switcher not show on topbar right side (Fixed) Minor CSS improvements (Updated) WPBakery Visual Composer plugin (Updated) Slider Revolution plugin (Updated) Online documentation
Homey v.1.2.2 - Veröffentlicht am Mai. 6, 2019
(Fixed) iCal sync issues (Fixed) Print page content formatting (Fixed) Instance booking stopped working and show required fields error (Fixed) Request to book z-index issue on mobile without user loggedIn (Fixed) Pins dragable in frontend header map and half map (Fixed) Styling issues (Improved) Mobile and iPad CSS & HTML
Homey v. - Erschienen am 23. April 2019
(Improved) Mobile and iPad CSS & HTML
Homey v. - Veröffentlicht am 22. April 2019
(New) Option to block host, renter, etc wp-admin access http://take.ms/mr1Ur (Fixed) half map listing disorder on bigger screens (Fixed) Request to book and instance booking stopped working on mobile (Fixed) 7 + nights discount was not working (Fixed) Taxonomy pages warning when no result found (Fixed) Location field open add new file window on entering when adding a property (Fixed) After Updating the Features, it has the Features tab highlighted, not the Info area below that. (Improved) Mobile and iPad CSS & HTML
Homey v.1.2.0 - Erschienen am 19. April 2019
(New) Hourly booking system (New) iCal synchronize (New) Option to change the date format for date picker and other site places http://take.ms/zwEJC (New) Allowed the host to make days unavailable and then available (New) When a listing doesn’t have any Amenities / Facilities checked -> front end section should be dynamically hidden (New) Delete booked/pending dates when reservation deleted from admin panel. (New) Manually mark listing as paid and book with email confirmation to host and renter. better for bank transfer (New) Listing address in the info window (New) Option to restrict google autocomplete for specific country http://take.ms/BhskW (New) Added additional guests fee for calculating services fee. (New) Auto open login/register while booking if user not logged in (New) Option to replace homey custom forms with contact form 7 and gravity form (New) After price label field for add listing (New) Option to hide host public contact details http://take.ms/vwCrU (New) Listing id in admin, front-end (New) After login redirect option (New) Match height script for grids (Fixed) Gallery upload images not work in iPhone (Fixed) Calendar not working on Android chrome (Fixed) Hide min and max stay is empty (Fixed) The calendar remains blocked out(pending) so no one can book the previously canceled dates. (Fixed) When ‘Featured First’ is selected only featured listings are displayed (Fixed) Disable video field not work (Fixed) Check-in, check-out validation issue when adding a listing (Fixed) Booking form does not show on iPad landscape (Fixed) Booking calendar next/prev on mobile (Fixed) Includes CSS fix and improvements
Homey v.1.1.1 - Erschienen am 20. März 2019
(New) Permalinks management from admin panel. Screenshot http://take.ms/bK9jb (Required to update homey-core plugin) (New) Country as one of the options for Location field. Screenshot http://take.ms/07t3F (New) Option to hide/change price /, Screenshot http://take.ms/342bs (new) Pagination for host listings on the host profile. (New) Option to hide pets, adults, children on searches. Screenshot http://take.ms/2qvz0 (New) Option to hide guests filed for the booking form. Screenshot http://take.ms/4dHnd (New) Enabled editor for custom text area field. Screenshot http://take.ms/8Z59k (Fixed) Booking form does not show on iPad. (Fixed) All Custom fields do not display in the back-end. (Fixed) GDPR does not show on becoming host page. (Fixed) Display wrong content on the print page. (Fixed) Search under banner not show for the transparent header. (Fixed) Google Autocomplete address does not update for preview for add/edit listing. (Fixed) When uploading photos and if decide to delete all photos and then add all the same photos again, duplicate error come.
Homey v.1.1.0 - Erschienen am 11. März 2019
(New) Elementor page builder, now all homey widgets are available for Elementor plugin (New) Option to add state, city, area for the location search field. Screenshot http://take.ms/TCTSa (New) Option to show Booking Form or Contact form on the listing level, now it can be select different for each listing. Screenshot http://take.ms/DFBNJ (New) Dynamic icons option for the list, grid and card view. (New) Header 4 for the splash page (New) Hide search calendar when clicking on any part of the page outside the calendar. (New) Homey CSV/XML importer add-on (Fixed) There were some issues on mobile, Once you click on the photo at the room detail page, it does not close once you click on ‘X’ And it stuck there.
Homey v.1.0.0 - Erschienen am 27. Februar 2019
Initial release
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